#1 BP Natural Medicine, Mukta Vati Uses, Complete Detailed ReviewđŸ€©

Mukta Vati is a natural medicine of the Ayurvedic medicine System, which is used to treat high blood pressure. This medicine is manufactured by Patanjali Ayurved Limited.

  • This medicine is so popular because successfully treats high blood pressure problems
  • This medicine has given relief from hypertension to patients who have got this by other physical or mental problems like anxiety, kidney problems, heart problems and from hereditary factors.
  • It works in patients who have chest pain, headaches, insomnia and nervousness because of the high blood pressure

Mukta Vati Uses 

Generally, doctors use this medicine in these conditions

  • To manage high blood pressure
  • To decrease the unwanted access to cholesterol in the body which directly helps to decrease hypertension
  • Helpful in heart diseases that may affect the normal blood pressure
  • Works well for patients who are having anxiety which directly affects the overall help of the body
  • It helps to cure kidney disorders which can affect the heart directly
  • High blood pressure due to hereditary reasons can be subsided.

Mukta Vati Ingredients

It contains these Ayurvedic herbs

  • Gajwa [Onosma bracteatum] -Demulcent, diuretic
  • Shankhapushpi [Convolvulus pluricaulis] – Anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, on the nervous system
  • Brahmi  [Centella asiatica] – Stress, debility
  • Ugragandha [Acorus calamus] -Improves concentration, speech, clarity
  • Ashwagandha  [Withania somnifera] -Insomnia, neurosis
  • Saunf [Foeniculum vulgare]
  • Jyothishmathi [Celastrus paniculatus] -In heart problems
  • Pushkarmoola [Inula racemosa] -To control high BP
  • Sarpagandha []Rauwolfia serpentina] – Reduces BP, heart rate
  • Guduchi [Tinospora cordifolia] -Pittahara
  • Jata Manasi [Nardostachys jatamansi] -Decreases mental diseases
  • Ustukhuddus [Lavandula stoechas] 

Mukta Vati Dosage 

It is a herbal formulation of Ayurveda medicine 

This medicine should be consumed under medical supervision

Self-medication is not recommended.

That was it depends upon the BP levels the patient is having

  • When the BP level is at 140|90 mm of HG You can take two tablets two times a day before the food when taking the allopathic medicines
  • When the BP level is at 160|100 mm of HG or more you can take two tablets three times a day before the food when you are taking allopathic medicines at the same time.
  • The brand researchers suggest chewing this medicine for more effectiveness of the tablet/pill.
  • If the blood pressure comes down to normal you can stop allopathic medicines with your doctor’s opinion.
  • This medicine can also help to decrease the complications of high blood pressure like Insomnia, palpitations, uneasiness, and pain in the chest and head
  • This medicine is available in tablet/pill form which can be consumed in one or two tablets/pills 
  • This medicine can be taken with plain lukewarm water
  • Different Adjuvants like warm water according to the different health conditions.
  • Keep this medicine in a place where children can’t reach it. 

Mukta Vati Side effects

This medicine is considered not safe for people with high blood pressure 

  • Self-medication is not recommended
  • Consuming more than the prescribed dose may cause Rapid decrease in Blood pressure, stomach irritation, loss of appetite, indigestion, belching and a burning sensation, nausea, and vomiting.
  • If you want to consume this medicine please consult your doctor for more information and safety.
  • Store In a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.


  • If you are taking this medicine along with allopathic medicines you should regularly check the BP
  • If the BP is normal you can stop the allopathic medicines
  • If the allopathic medicines have become addictive you can reduce the Dose day by day with your doctor’s opinion
  • Some patients have a complaint that they have got neither congestion after consuming Divya Mukta Vati

Interaction with Allopathic medicines

  • Mukta vati tablet doesn’t interact with allopathic medicines
  • Some medicinal herbs may interact with synthetic compounds of allopathic medicines so consult a doctor for their suggestion.
  • It is recommended to take this medicine under the opinion of a Healthcare provider.
  • We Suggest our patients maintain a 30-minute interval between ayurvedic medicines and western medicines to avoid any unknown interactions.

Interaction with Homoeopathic medicines

This medicine doesn’t interact with homoeopathic medicines, so this medicine can be considered as safe with them.

Interaction with the Health supplements

  • Generally, this tablet/pill is considered as safe with health supplements like multivitamins Omega 3 fatty acids etc
  • If you are taking more than one health supplement at a time and you want to take this medicine along with it, Consult your doctor for more information
  • Normally we suggest to our patients that if they are taking any health supplements, they should avoid taking both at the same time and maintain a 30-minute interval between the two different medicines

For Pregnant Women 

  • This medicine is not recommended in pregnant women. More research is needed in this context.
  • Get an opinion from your doctor if you want to consume it.

For Lactating Mothers 

  • This medicine is not considered safe for lactating mothers
  • Please consult your doctor for more information and safety.

For Kids 

  • This medicine is not safe for kids
  • No research data is available to prove its safety for children.
  • Please contact your doctor for more information.
  • Keep it in a place where kids can’t find it.

Pathya [Do’s] 

Eat easy to digest and light food

Drink enough water to be hydrated

In food you can take these items:

Walnuts, Flax seeds, cauliflower, winter squash, fish oil, flaxseed oil, soya bean, pistachio, sunflower seed, almond, egg oil, Chia seeds, camelia etc

Apathya [Don’t do’s]

Try to avoid excess Salt in your food or use less quantity of salt for your food. You can take other forms of salt instead of sea salt.

Foods to avoid

Junk food, deep fried oily food, heavy-to-digest foods, and Regular eating non-veg food.


Patanjali Ayurvedic Limited

Expiry date 

It can be used for up to 5 years from the date of manufacturing

Research & Reference 

  1. Research article 1
  2. International journal of ayurveda and pharma research’s article
  3. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences’ article on ayurvedic management of Hypertension


What are the benefits of Mukta Vati?

This medicine is beneficial to those who are suffering from high blood pressure due to heart diseases, kidney diseases, anxiety, high cholesterol levels, and insomnia.

What is the best time to take mukta vati?

You can take this medicine morning and evening before taking the food according to the door suggested by your doctor.

What are the ingredients of Mukta Vati?

Gajwa [Onosma bracteatum]
Shankhapushpi [Convolvulus pluricaulis]
Brahmi  [Centella asiatica]
Ugra Gandha [Acorus calamus]
Ashwagandha  [Withania somnifera]
Saunf [Foeniculum vulgare]
Jyothishmathi [Celastrus paniculatus]
Pushkarmoola [Inula racemosa]
Sarpagandha []Rauwolfia serpentina]
Guduchi [Tinospora cordifolia]
Jata Manasi [Nardostachys jatamansi]
Ustukhuddus [Lavandula stoechas] 

Is there any side effect of Patanjali Mukta Vati?

It has undergone many researchers and has been used on millions of patients and it is considered a safe Ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure.

How long does mukta vati take to work?

Muktawati works very fastly in patients who have high blood pressure. If you take allopathic medicines which are suggested by your doctor it works even faster and helps to reduce the high BP in two or three months.

Does Mukta vati contain heavy metals?

No, it doesn’t contain heavy metals. It contains natural herbal medicines in it.

Can we take mukta vati with milk?

You can take this tablet with water, taking this tablet with milk is generally not suggested.


Mukta Vati Review 

  • In our clinical practice, we have seen many patients who were taking allopathic medicines for many years. We have seen that they have become addicted to those medicines. If they stop the anti-hypertensive medicine they may increase their BP very rapidly in just 3 to 5 days.
  • In the same patients who come to us to take Ayurvedic medicines, we suggest mukta vati as one of the medicines to decrease high blood pressure.
  • We suggest taking allopathic medicines along with Muktha Vati
  • After taking it for some days, the blood pressure decreases to normal.
  • We suggest stopping the allopathic medicines and continuing Mukta Vati for some more days
  • Some patients who were taking this medicine for more than one year stopped the allopathic medicine permanently after the doctor’s opinion.
  • This medicine doesn’t have any side effects so we suggest taking this medicine for those who are in need only after proper medical examinations by a qualified doctor.

This article is only for educational purposes, Self medication and self diagnosis is not recommended. Please contact your doctor for more information.


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