Dhanvantari Gulika Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Full Details with Our Review.

Dhanvantari gutika is an Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation used for the treatment of cough, vomiting, hiccups, digestion problems etc. It is available in the form of a tablet. In this article we will provide complete details about Dhanvantari gulika uses, benefits, side effects, ingredients, dosage, and other details with our review.

Are you suffering from cough, hiccups, vomiting or any digestive problems? Do you want to consume natural remedies that are Ayurvedic medicine only? then read this article completely to know full details about this medicine so that you can decide whether to consider it or not.

We have used this medicine in many individuals and have got positive results when consumed this medicine for a suggested duration of time. Here we will share our experience with this medicine and the feedback we have gotten from the people who have consumed it. 

Dhanvantari Gulika Uses

  • Cough
  • Hiccups
  • Asthma
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal distinction
  • Breathlessness
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Tastelessness
  • Chest pain
  • Bronchial complaints
  • Bronchial spasms
  • Heartburn
  • Acidity
  • Phthisis
  • Anorexia
  • Chest Congestion
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Low blood pressure
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Colicky pain
  • Increased Kapha problems

Dhanvantari Gulika Benefits


  • It is having a good digestive stimulant property
  • It helps to reduce flatulence and bloating
  • It is beneficial for reducing heartburn
  • It can help to cure indigestion
  • It acts as a potent detoxifier
  • It can help to reduce unwanted Excessive salivation
  • It helps to relieve stomach and gastrointestinal tract problems as soon as possible.
  • It regulates the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract 

Cardiovascular disorders

  • It contains some phytochemicals that can act as antihyperlipidemic agents.
  • It helps to remove the fat deposited in the adipose tissue of the body
  • It helps to avoid the deposition of unwanted excess fat in the blood vessels and the adipose tissues.
  • It helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.
  • It helps to improve the strength of the cardiac muscles.
  • It helps the proper blood circulation in the body.

Respiratory disorder

  • It is an effective medicine for the treatment of asthma.
  • It helps to treat bronchial spasms.
  • It helps to reduce infections in the bronchi.
  • It is beneficial for the treatment of phthisis.
  • It is used for the treatment of coughs and hiccups.
  • It can help to reduce the formation of phlegm. 
  • It is beneficial for people who have difficulty breathing.
  • It is used for the treatment of aggravated Kapha disorders.

Dhanvantari Gulika Medicinal properties

  • Adaptogenic
  • Detoxifier
  • Alterative
  • Antibacterial
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Antioxidant
  • Antipyretic
  • Antitussive
  • Anti-stress
  • Cardiac stimulant
  • Cardiac Protective
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Carminative
  • Depurative
  • Febrifuge 
  • Mucolytic
  • Antisialagogue

Ayurvedic Properties

  • Dosha karma – Vata-Kapha dosha hara
  • Action – Carminative
  • Tissues act on – Rasa Rakta Mamsa Meda

Dhanvantari Gulika Ingredients

  • Ela – Elettaria cardamomum
  • Shunti – Zingiber officinale
  • Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
  • Jaipala – Myristica fragrans
  • Brihati – Solanum indicum
  • Chirayata – Swertia chirata
  • Jeera – Cuminum cyminum
  • Luang – Syzygium aromaticum
  • Kankola – Piper cubeba
  • Kalamegha – Andrographis paniculata
  • Rudraksha – Elaeocarpus ganitrus
  • Devadaru – Cedrus deodara
  • Karpura – Cinnamomum camphora
  • Karighatta 
  • Gandhamarjaravirya – Civet Cat Sperm

Dhanvantari Gulika Dosage

Generally, this medicine is available in the form of a Pill.

  • It can be consumed in a dose of One to two tablets two or three times a day after the food or as directed by the doctor.
  • For children half to one tablet.
  • Consuming this medicine with Jeera water may give some added benefits.

Self-medication with this tablet is strictly prohibited, contact a professional Ayurvedic doctor for more information.

Safety profile

This medicine doesn’t cause any harm to the body and is well tolerated by most individuals.

Dhanvantari Gulika Side effects

  • Generally, Dhanvantari Gutika doesn’t cause any side effects if consumed in the suggested dosage.
  • If consumed more than the suggested dose it may cause side effects like pain in the stomach and discomfort in the stomach.
  • This medicine is not recommended for self-medication, contact an Ayurvedic Healthcare provider for more information and safety.

In Pregnant Women

  • Normally, this medicine is not recommended for pregnant women for a long duration.
  • More research is needed to prove its safety for pregnant women.
  • Contact an ayurvedic obstetrics specialist for more information about Dhanvantari gulika in pregnant women

In Lactating Mothers

  • This medicine is not recommended for Lactating Mothers for a long duration.
  • Contacting an Ayurvedic doctor to know the safety of a lactating mother will be a wiser option.

In Children

  • This medicine can be administered in children in the presence of the parents under medical supervision in a small dose.
  • Reach an ayurvedic paediatrician for more information about Dhanvantari gulika for kids.

Interaction with Western medicines

  • Generally, Dhanvantari Gulika doesn’t interact with Western medicines.
  • If you are prescribed both Western medicines andDhanvantari Gulika you can maintain a 30-minute gap while consuming the two of them.
  • Avoid self-medication

Interaction with Homoeopathic medicines

Dhanvantari Gulika doesn’t interact with Homoeopathic medicines

Interaction with Health supplements

  • Dhanvantari Gulika doesn’t interact with health supplements like minerals, multivitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.
  • If you want to consume both of them, maintain a 30-minute gap while consuming them. Try to avoid self-medication





Expiry date

It can be used for up to 2 years from the date of manufacturing.

If the seal is opened, don’t consume it after 6 months of opening. 

Research and References

  • A study on dhanvantaram gutika in the management of Chikungunya by researchgate.net
  • A study on dhanvantaram gutika in the management of Hirschsprung diseases by ijam.co.in
  • A study on dhanvantaram gutika in the management of Amavata by jahm.in


What is Dhanvantaram gutika used for?

It is used for the treatment of cough, cold, vomiting, hiccups, bronchial problems, and digestive problems.

How to take Dhanvantari gutika?

It is available in the form of a tablet, it can be consumed orally in a dose suggested by the doctor. self-medication of this medicine is not recommended.

What are the Side effects of Dhanvantari gulika?

Generally, it doesn’t cause any side effects if consumed in the suggested dosage. if consumed more than the suggested dose it may cause discomfort in the stomach and pain in the stomach.

How long can I consume Dhanvantari gulika?

The time duration for consuming this medicine is decided by the doctor, generally, it can be consumed for up to two or three months and medical supervision depending upon the health condition, strength and body weight of the individual.


Dhanvantari Gulika Review

This medicine has been used for many centuries by Ayurvedic medicine practitioners, we have used this medicine with many patients and have got good results. Here we will share our experience and the feedback we have gotten from our patients.

  • Many people who had excessive Phlegm got effective results after consuming this medicine for 4 weeks.
  • We have used this medicine in many people who had vomiting and hiccups and have gotten desired results.
  • For many people who had digestive problems, this medicine has given good results when consumed regularly for 1 month.
  • People who had respiratory tract infections, bronchial infections, colds and coughs, and other respiratory problems like breathlessness have been cured effectively by using this medicine.
  • There are many examples to share here. Consuming only this medicine may not give the desired results that you are seeking, contact an Ayurvedic doctor, get diagnosed and get a prescription that may contain this medicine with other Ayurvedic medicines that can surely help to cure the above-mentioned health problems.

This article is only for educational purposes. We don’t recommend self-medication and self-diagnosis. Please contact an Ayurvedic doctor for more information about Dhanvantari gutika and the safety of your health.


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