Kumkumadi tailam uses, benefits, complete detail and FAQ

Do you want to look good and have heard about Kumkumadi Tailam, do you know the complete Kumkumadi Tailam uses? Learn about Kumkumadi Tailam benefits right now.

  • Is an Ayurvedic medicine in oil form used mainly for face massage
  • It is extensively used in the problems of skin like dark spots scars acne
  • It improves the texture of the skin
  • Saffron is the main ingredient which is called Kumkuma in Sanskrit

Kumkumadi Tailam Uses

  • It improves and tweaks the texture of the skin
  • It Nourishes the skin
  • It cleanses the toxic substances in the skin
  • It is a great option as a face massage oil
  • This oil relieves blemishes and acne scars
  • Helps to produce white and blackheads
  • Works well on acne
  • Under-eye circle & pimple marks are reduced by using this oil regularly
  • Useful in skin wrinkles
  • Good natural medicine for sun tan

Indication: Doctors use this in these Conditions

  • Melasma
  • wrinkled skin
  • Blemishes
  • Acne scars
  • Freckles 
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Dull facial skin
  • Dell complexion
  • Discolored armpits

Kumkumadi Tailam Ingredients

  • Tribulus Terrestris- gokshura
  • Solanum indicum- Brihati
  • Oroxylum indicum- Shyonaka
  • Gmelina arborea- Gambhari
  • Berberis aristata- Daruharidra
  • Vetiveria zizanioides- Ushira pathra
  • Prunus cerasoides- Padmaka
  • Nymphaea stellata- Niledible root
  • Stereospermum Suaveolens- Patala
  • Desmodium gangeticum- Shalaparni
  • Uraria picta- Prishnaparni
  • Pterocarpus santalinus- Rakta chandana
  • Laccifer lacca- Lac
  • Rubia cardifolia- Majishta
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra- Yashtimadhu
  • Ficus bengalensis-Vata vriksha
  • Ficus lacor- Java fig
  • Aegle marmelos- Bael
  • Premna mucronata- Agnimantha


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Kumkumadi tailam Side effects

  • People with sensitive skin May suffer from allergic skin rashes
  • People having oily skin may develop more acne if applied in Access quantity
  • People with open skin pores Who are having oily skin may suffer more side effects if they haven’t got any opinion from the doctor
  • If you are applying kumkumadi tailam daily then also if you have developed pimples you should stop using this. 


These are kumkumadi tailam best brands

  • Vasu Kumkumadi tailam
  • Kama ayurveda
  • Kumkumadi tailam Kottakkal
  • IMIS
  • AVN, Unjha, Vaidyaratnam
  • Zandu
  • Charak, Vyas

How does it work?

  • The medicinal herbs are soaked and made into a water mixture, this mixture is mixed with sesame oil.
  • Here the phytochemicals of the medicinal herbs which can dissolve in the water get dissolved in water and the remaining phytochemicals which can dissolve in oil get dissolved in Sesame oil
  • This mixture will be put under specific Ayurvedic procedures to prepare this tailam.


  1. Ashtanga Hridaya
  2. Bhaishajya ratnavali 60/115-20
  3. Reference 1
  4. Reference 2

How to use Kumkumadi tailam?

  • First, wash your face with warm water
  • Remove the water on the face using a cotton cloth
  • Gently pat the face using your fingers
  • Apply 10- 15 drops of kumkumadi tailam
  • Massage gently on the face
  • Wash off the oil using hot water after 20 minutes or leave it overnight

Kumkumadi tailam for oily skin

  • First, wash your face with warm water
  • Remove the water on the face using a cotton cloth
  • Apply 5 drops of kumkumadi tailam
  • Massage carefully on the face
  • Wash off the oil using hot water after 15 minutes

For pregnant women

  • It is a very good alternative medicine to prevent stretch marks in pregnancy
  •  if you haven’t used this medicine before pregnancy or if you have an allergy to this oil please take the opinion of your doctor

With steam therapy

It gives great results if used before taking steam

In Ayurveda Doctors always suggest snehana before Swedana that is oil massage should be done before Steam therapy.

Pathya [diet to follow] 

  • Vitamin E-rich foods
  • Almond seed and almond oil
  • Sunflower seed
  • Spinach
  • Peanuts
  • Soya bean
  • Pistachio
  • Carrots
  • Pine nuts
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Mangoes
  • Mustard
  • Papaya
  • Pumpkin
  • Broccoli
  • Red Pepper


Can we apply kumkumadi tailam daily?

Yes, you can apply kumkumadi tailam daily without any hesitation. But first, you have to check if you have any sensitivity to this Natural medicine.

Can we apply kumkumadi oil directly on the face?

First, you have to wash your face with warm water then you can apply this taila on your bare face directly.

What is the side effect of kumkumadi tailam?

Your skin may get these side effects if you have skin that is not compatible with this oil
People with sensitive skin May suffer from allergic skin rashes
People having oily skin may develop more acne if applied in Access quantity
People with open skin pores Who are having oily skin may suffer more side effects if they haven’t got any opinion from the doctor
If you are applying kumkumadi tailam daily then also if you have developed pimples you should stop using this. 

Does kumkumadi tailam make skin fair?

Kumkumadi tailam is an Ayurvedic medicine that contains many medicinal herbs which can enhance the skin tone, complexion and texture. Using this taila for a long time will increase the Fairness of the skin naturally.

Does kumkumadi oil darken skin?

No, it doesn’t, if you are using it daily you feel like your skin is becoming darker but when you stop using it for 2 days you will notice how much your skin has changed.

Does kumkumadi oil increase facial hair?

Kumkumadi tailam 10 drops mixed with turmeric can remove unwanted facial hair in women

Can we leave Kumkumadi Tailam on the face overnight?

If you have dry skin you can live it overnight which will help you to absorb the oil sufficiently. If you have oily skin you should wash off the oil within 20 minutes of applying.

How long will it take Kumkumadi Tailam to work?

It takes at least 3 months to show results, you can see miraculous changes in skin tone, scars, dark spots, dark circles etc

Which brand of Kumkumadi Tailam is best?

It is better to purchase this oil from authentic Ayurveda brands that are experts in preparing various oil preparations and medicines like Arya Vaidya Sala, Vaidya Ratnam, Kerala Ayurveda, Kama Ayurveda etc

Can we apply Kumkumadi Tailam on the lips?

Yes, you can apply kumkumadi tailam on your lips, people who have dark lips have got great results with this oil.

Does Kumkumadi taila remove tan?

Yes, kumkumadi taila is useful to remove tan, It increases the skin cells and boosts up collagen production after skin and protects the skin from tan.

What is Kumkumadi oil made of?

These are the main ingredients of kumkumadi taila
Tribulus Terrestris- gokshura
Solanum indicum- Brihati
Oroxylum indicum- Shyonaka
Gmelina arborea- Gambhari
Berberis aristata- Daruharidra
Vetiveria zizanioides- Ushira pathra
Prunus cerasoides- Padmaka
Nymphaea stellata- Niledible root
Stereospermum Suaveolens- Patala
Desmodium gangeticum- Shalaparni
Uraria picta- Prishnaparni
Pterocarpus santalinus- Rakta Chandana
Laccifer lacca- Lac
Rubia cardifolia- Majishta
Glycyrrhiza glabra- Yashtimadhu
Ficus bengalensis-Vata vriksha
Ficus lacor- Java fig
Aegle marmelos- Bael
Premna mucronata- Agnimantha

Can we apply Kumkumadi Tailam under the eyes?

Kumkumadi tailam is one of the best Holistic medicines which will work very great to reduce and clear dark circles.

Can I use Kumkumadi oil for my hair?

Kumkumadi oil can be used for hair growth frizzy hair dry scalp To retain the natural hair colour. This oil gives good nourishment to the scalp and maintains healthy hair. 

When should I apply Kumkumadi Tailam?

You can apply kumkumadi tailam every night before going to bed.
If you have dry skin you can let it overnight and wash off it in the morning
If you have oily skin you should wash your face with warm water and you should watch it up just after 20 minutes

Is Kumkumadi Tailam anti-ageing?

Kumkumadi tailer has various benefits for the skin, by these qualities, this taila directly benefits the facial skin to look younger. Thus it acts as anti-ageing medicine

Can I use soap to clean kumkumadi taila?

You can use soap, and you can also use chickpea flour which removes oil and helps to maintain the effects of the oil.

Can kumkumadi tailam be applied all over the body?

 Yes, you can apply it all over the body to massage

How long should I use kumkumadi tailam?

You can use this product for at least one month to see any improvements.

Can I apply face cream after applying kumkumadi tailam?

No, you shouldn’t, you can apply this oil before and wait for 30 minutes then wash off with warm water. After this, you can apply face cream.

Can I mix kumkumadi taila with other face creams?

Kumkumadi taila is a very versatile oil. Normally it goes well with face creams, you can mix it with face cream with 2 to 3 drops. You can take a trial if it causes any side effects. If it causes side effects you should stop, if it doesn’t you can continue with it.

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