Lashunadi Vati Uses, Benefits, Dose, Side Effects, Full Details with Review.

Lashunadi Vati is an Ayurvedic polyherbal medicine mainly used for the treatment of gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, abdominal problems, and intestinal problems. It is also called Lasunadi vati. In this article we will provide complete information about Lashunadi Vati uses, benefits, dosage, Side Effects, ingredients, precautions to take and other details with our review.

Are you suffering from gastroenteritis? do you have digestion problems for many days? do you want to consume natural Ayurvedic medicine to treat your problems? then read this article completely to know full information about this medicine.

We have used this medicine with many people who were having trouble with their health and have got positive results. here we will share our experience and the feedback we have gotten from the people who have consumed it so that you can decide whether to consume this medicine or not. Then let’s start this article. 

Lashunadi Vati Uses

  1. Gastroenteritis
  2. Dyspepsia
  3. Diarrhoea
  4. Low digestive Power
  5. Abdominal distension
  6. Digestive impairment
  7. Abdominal pain
  8. Constipation
  9. Vomiting
  10. Flatulence
  11. Abdominal lump
  12. Intestinal colic
  13. Indigestion
  14. Loss of appetite
  15. Low absorption of nutrients 
  16. Malabsorption
  17. Low metabolism
  18. Hiccups
  19. Stomach ailments
  20. Intestinal ailments

Lashunadi Vati Benefits

Stomach problems

  • That can help to reduce the production of abnormal gas in the stomach.
  • It can help to reduce spasms in the stomach.
  • It is beneficial for reducing bloating.
  • It is beneficial for improving appetite digestion and assimilation.
  • It can help to reduce abdominal pain.
  • It reduces flatulence in the stomach.
  • It can help to improve the overall metabolism of the body.

Intestinal problems

  • It can help to reduce infections in the intestine.
  • This medicine is beneficial for improving bowel moments. 
  • It is beneficial for improving the absorption of all available nutrients from food.
  • It helps to treat malabsorption syndrome.

Ayurvedic actions

  • Acts as laxative
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Improves taste
  • Easy movement of gas downwards
  • Reduces Kapha-related problems
  • Improves digestive power 
  • Digests Ama
  • Reduces Vata dosha
  • Carminative

Lashunadi Vati Ingredients

  • Lashuna  – Allium sativum
  • Jiraka (Shveta Jiraka) – Cuminum cyminum
  • Saindhava lavana – Rock salt
  • Gandhaka – Purified and Processed Sulphur
  • Shunthi  – Zingiber officinale
  • Maricha – Piper nigrum
  • Pippali – Piper longum
  • Ramatha (Hingu) (Exd.) – Asafoetida
  • Nimbu rasa (Nimbu) (Fr.) Q.S. for Bhavana

Lashunadi Vati Dosage

  • This is a pure natural ayurvedic medicine.
  • It can be consumed in a dose of 1 or 2 tablets two or three times a day after the food or as directed by your doctor.
  • Consuming this medicine along with dashmularishta or milk may help to get even more benefits.
  • Consuming this medicine without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited. Contact an Ayurvedic doctor for more information.

Lashunadi Vati Side effects

  • Generally, Lashunadi Vati doesn’t cause any side effects If consumed in a suggested dosage under medical supervision.
  • If this medicine is consumed more than the suggested dose it may cause a severe burning sensation in the stomach, discomfort in the stomach, pain in the stomach, and gastritis.
  • Self-medication is not recommended so consult a doctor for more information.

In Pregnant women and Lactating mothers

  • There is no study available to prove Lashunadi Vati’s safety or bad effects on pregnant women and lactating mothers.
  • Contact an Ayurvedic obstetrics specialist to know about its safety and more information about this medicine.
  • Self-medication is not recommended.

In Kids

  • Normally this medicine doesn’t cause any harmful effects on kids, but there are no studies to prove its safety in them.
  • If this medicine is consumed in a small dose, it may benefit the children to improve their health.
  • This medicine is not recommended to administer in children below 5 years of age.
  • Keep Lashunadi Vati in a place where children can’t reach.

Interaction with Modern Medicines

  • Generally, this medicine doesn’t interact with modern medicines.
  • Sometimes some phytochemicals of this medicine may interact with synthetic Western medicines.
  • If you are prescribed both modern medicines and Lashunadi Vati you can maintain a 30-minute interval between the two while consuming.
  • Avoid self-medication and contact a nearby doctor if any harmful effects occur.

Interaction with Homoeopathic Medicines

Normally this medicine doesn’t interact with homoeopathic medicines.

Interaction with Health Supplements

  • Normally this medicine doesn’t interact with health supplements like multivitamins, minerals, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.
  • Some natural chemicals of this medicine may interact with health supplements.
  • If you want to consume both Lashunadi Vati and any health supplement you can maintain a 20 to 30-minute interval between the two while consuming them.
  • Avoid consuming this medicine without a doctor’s prescription.




Expiry date

It can be used for up to 2 years from the date of manufacturing. if the seal is already opened don’t consume it after 6 months of opening.

Research and references

  1. Study on management of diarrhoea prominent IBS with Lashunadi Vati by Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine.
  2. A review on the management of indigestion and Agni Mandya with Lashunadi Vati by the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences.
  3. Estimation of piperine in commercial Ayurvedic medicines by Journal of Planar Chromatography.
  4. A study on the management of gastrointestinal problems with Lashunadi Vati. 


What is the use of Lashunadi Vati?

It can be used to treat Indigestion, Low appetite, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Constipation, Abdominal pain and Gastroenteritis.

How to take Lashunadi Vati?

It is available in the form of a Pill, it can be consumed in a dose of 1 to 2 tablets two or three times a day after the food or as directed by your doctor.

How long should I take Lashunadi Vati?

You can consume this medicine for up to 3 months or it is decided by your doctor depending upon your health condition, body weight, strength, and other factors.

What are the side effects of Lashunadi Vati?

Generally, it doesn’t cause any side effects if consumed in a suggested dosage. Still, some people consume this medicine to get faster results and suffer from gastritis, severe burning sensation in the stomach, pain in the stomach, and discomfort in the stomach.


Lashunadi Vati Review

This medicine has been used for many centuries by Ayurveda doctors, we have used this medicine with many people and have cotton great results. here we will share our experience with this medicine and the feedback we have gotten from the people who have used it as a review.

  • This medicine is an important alternative medicine to treat diarrhoea and we have seen great results when consumed this medicine for 3 days.
  • Many people who had dyspepsia got desired results when consumed this medicine regularly for 1 month.
  • People who have impaired digestion got positive results with this medicine.
  • This medicine has given great results in people who had gastroenteritis which can be seen generally in the summer season.

There are many examples to share here but you should remember one thing, this medicine can give results if consumed with other ayurvedic medicines that support this one. Consuming only this medicine may not give the results that you are Seeking. So contact an Ayurvedic doctor get diagnosed and get a prescription that has Lashunadi Vati along with other Ayurvedic medicines to get better results.

This article is only for educational purposes, we don’t recommend self-medication or self-diagnosis. Please contact an Ayurvedic doctor for more information and the safety of your health.


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