Madhunashini Vati benefits, complete details and review.

Are you suffering from diabetes? Have you tried Many medicines and the sugar levels are not reducing?  then you should try Ayurvedic medicines like Madhunashini Vati to see some changes In sugar levels without side effects.

  • Madhunashini Vati is an Ayurvedic herbal medicine mainly used to treat diabetic patients who are having abnormal sugar levels
  • Medically diabetes is called diabetic mellitus
  • It is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine that can also help to cure complications of diabetes
  • It can strengthen the immunity of diabetic patients
  • It helps Diabetic patients who are having problems with the nervous system
  • It ensures the overall well-being of the person

What is Madhunashini Vati

Madhunashini Vati is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine used to treat diabetic patients, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy and other diabetic complications.

Madhunashini Vati Benefits

  • It acts as an Anti Diabetic medicine
  • It has neuroprotective properties
  • Cardiac protective properties
  • Immunomodulatory qualities
  • It has many antioxidants and access adaptogenic
  • It helps to balance the abnormal sugar levels
  • This medicine acts in the pancreas and helps to Secret the required amount of insulin
  • It has to control the symptoms of Diabetes which are getting started
  • Perfectly balances the carbohydrate metabolism
  • In Diabetic retinopathy
  • Purifies blood
  • Enhances digestion
  • Helps to improve neural functions
  • In urinary disorders
  • Manages stress and anxiety
  • Diminish cravings for sugar
  • Promotes weight loss in diabetes-induced obesity


  • Guduchi [Tinospora cordifolia]
  • Bitter gourd [Momordica charantia]
  • Bael patra [Aegle marmelos]
  • Harad chhoti [chebulic myrobalan]
  • Gudamara [Gymnema sylvestre]
  • Gokhru [Tribulus terrestris]
  • Vata jata [Ficus bengalensis]
  • Haridra Turmeric [Curcuma longa]
  • Methi [Trigonella foenum]
  • Kutaja [Holarrhena antidysenterica]
  • Nimba patra [Azadirachta indica]
  • Ashwagandha [Withania somnifera]
  • Amla [Emblica officinalis]
  • Shilajit
  • Jambu [Syzygium cumini]
  • Chirayata [Swertia chirata]
  • Kutki [Picrorhiza kurroa]
  • Babul [Acacia arabica]
  • Praval pishti
  • Vanga bhasma
  • Lauh bhasma

Madhunashini Vati Dosage

  • This medicine should be taken under strict medical supervision
  • therapeutic dosage will not be the same for all the person because of different body types strength condition of the disease the place where the person is living[Cold/Hot/Dry place]
  • Self-medication is not recommended
  • This medicine is available in the form of tablets/pill
  • you can take this medicine from one to two tablets two times a day 1 hour before consuming the food
  • this medicine can be taken along with water or lukewarm milk or as suggested by the doctor

Safety profile

Madhunashini Vati Side effects

  • No Side Effects have been reported on its side effects
  • But it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking this medicine
  • Because if you are taking any synthetic medicines to control diabetes after taking this medicine you may see a sudden decrease in sugar levels which may be problematic.
  • A high dose of this medicine may cause hyperglycemia

Interaction with Allopathic medicines

  • This medicine doesn’t interact with allopathic medicines
  • Taking both medicines at a time may or may not be beneficial because it makes cause a sudden decrease in blood sugar levels 
  • Consuming this medicine with a doctor’s suggestion will be a beneficial and safer option.

Interaction with Homoeopathic medicines

  • This medicine doesn’t interact with homoeopathic medicines
  • If you are taking blood sugar-reducing medicines of Homeopathy and also want to take this medicine it is not recommended
  • please contact your doctor for more information

Interaction with Health supplements  

  • This medicine doesn’t interact with health supplements like multivitamins Omega 3 fatty acids etc
  • If you want to take more than one health supplement at the same time along with Madhunashini Vati you can contact your doctor
  • Generally, we suggest our patients maintain an interval of 30 minutes between the health supplements and Madhunashini Vati.

In Pregnant women and Lactating mothers

  • This medicine is generally not prescribed in pregnant women as well as lactating mothers
  • If you are having diabetes or Diabetes started after becoming pregnant you should go through a complete medical checkup for safety purposes.


Patanjali Ayurved Limited


This medicine should be stored in a cool and dry place where sunlight can’t reach


This medicine can be stored for up to 3 years from the date of manufacturing.

Research and Reference

  1. Article 1
  2. Neuroprotective property article 
  3. Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes article

Also Read similarly Benefitting Ayurvedic medicines


When should I take Madhunashini Vati?

This product can be taken in the morning and evening 1 hour before the food. if you have any Diabetic symptoms or you are already under diabetes treatment
this medicine should be taken and understood by medical supervision

How to take madhunashini Vati?

Madhunashini Vati can be taken 1 to 2 tablets two times a day before food with water or lukewarm milk.

How long should I take Madhunashini Vati? 

You should take this medicine at least for 3 months to see good results. you can see the symptoms are reducing in one and a half months. it is a better option to consult your doctor for more information.

Can madhunashini Vati cure diabetes?

Madhunashini Vati can help to reduce the high levels of sugar in the blood. It helps to reduce the symptoms of diabetes and helps to cure the complications of diabetes like diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy etc. we can’t say it can cure diabetes completely because in Ayurveda it is mentioned that diabetes is a manageable or hard-to-cure disease.

Does Madhunashini Vati affect Kidneys?

No, it helps to treat complications of diabetes related to the kidney which is called diabetic nephropathy. In Diabetic nephropathy, it helps to decrease the symptoms and increase the Healthy working of the kidney. 

Is Madhunashini Vati safe for a long time?

Yes, it is safe to use for a long time if you are taking this medicine with the doctor’s advice. 

Madhunashini Vati Review

  • Madhunashini vati is an Ayurvedic medicine that is researched and  manufactured by Patanjali Ayurved Limited 
  • We use This medicine primarily to treat diabetic patients
  • We have used this medicine in many patients, in a maximum number of patients It helped to reduce unwanted high levels of glucose in the blood
  • Taking this medicine alone won’t be that beneficial
  • Along with other Ayurvedic medicines which can cure diabetes May help To increase the efficacy of this medicine
  • If you are already taking synthetic medicines of Allopathy you can take this medicine along with that only under a doctor’s supervision
  • Taking this medicine with allopathic medicine may improve the patient’s health
  • It can also help to reduce the complications of diabetes when taken with allopathic medicines, like diabetic nephropathy diabetic retinopathy diabetic neuropathy
  • Depending only on this medicine to get cured of diabetes is not possible easily.

This article is written only for educational purposes, we don’t intend to encourage patients to take this medicine without a doctor’s consultation.

Contact your doctor and get diagnosed if your doctor prescribed this medicine you can take this medicine and get the benefits of this medicine with safety.


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