Medha Vati Uses, complete Ayurveda Details, & FAQ 🤩🧠

Medha Vati also known as Divya medha vati is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine from Patanjali Ayurved Limited. It is used in the treatment of Insomnia, memory loss, headache, irritation, epilepsy etc.

  • It is also used in patients who are having depression and negative thoughts always
  • It is helpful to patients who are having a low self conference.
  • It can be used in the patient for having mental problems as a mental tonic
  • It is helpful for students who need enthusiasm and energy

Medha Vati Uses

  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Epilepsy
  • Sleeplessness
  • Stress
  • Memory loss
  • Irritable temperament
  • It helps to keep cool the brain 

Medha vati Dosage

  • It can be taken want to do tablets two or three times a day
  • It is suggested to take this tablet/pills after the food
  • It gives better results taken along with warm milk, ghee or honey.

Pathya – Diet to follow

  • You can consider these foods to include in your diet while consuming the this tablet.
  • Carrots, broccoli, chard nuts,
  • papaya pumpkin red papers,
  • flaxseed, Tofu, walnut,
  • cauliflower, sprout, 
  • fish oil, grill oil, egg oil
  • winter squash, camelia Chia seeds
  • sunflower seed, almond coconut, flaxseed oil
  • Pistachio soybean

Apathya – Don’t do’s

Avoid carbonated drinks and junk foods

Medha Vati side effects

  • This proprietary medicine doesn’t have any side effects or no Side Effects have been reported yet
  • It is better to take this medicine with a doctor’s help
  • Keep this medicine away from the children
  • Store this medicine in a cool and dry place away from sunlight
  • If you are a pregnant or lactating mother or taking medicine for your children please take this medicine with the doctor’s suggestion.

Manufacturer & Shelf life

  • Patanjali Ayurved limited
  • It can be used for upto 3 years from the date of manufacturing

Interaction with allopathic medicines

This medicine doesn’t react with allopathic medicine

If you are having any pathological conditions or if you are taking any medicines regularly please take an opinion from your doctor

Interaction with Homoeopathic medicine

  • This pill doesn’t interact with homoeopathic medicine, it can be considered safe as per our own experience and our collegue’s
  • More research is needed in this context

Interaction with health supplements

  • Medha Vati doesn’t interact with health supplements
  • You can take this medicine if you are taking only one health supplement
  • If you are taking more than one help supplement list contact your doctor for more information


International Journal for Ayurveda and Pharma Research Case report about Medha Vati


What is medha vati?

Medha Vati is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine by Patanjali Ayurveda Limited, it is used in the treatment of anxiety depression insomnia psychological problems etc

What is Divya medha vati used for?

It is used for the following disease conditions

Memory loss
Irritable temperament
It helps to keep cool the brain
Increases concentration
Improves intelligence

What is the best time to take Medha Vati?

You can take this medicine morning and evening after the food with the doctor’s suggestion.

Does medha vati really work?

Medha Vati works well for the patient having mental stress and psychiatric problems and people suffering from insomnia
If you take this medicine for a long time you can see the result
If you take this medicine only for 5 to 10 days and expect results you can’t expect anything, but the result you are getting will be without side effects.

Is Medha Vati good for sleep?

Yes, Medha Vati can help people who are suffering from difficulty sleeping. It will be beneficial if and only if you take this medicine for a long time under a doctor’s supervision.

Does Maida Vati help to increase memory?

Yes, medha vati can help to increase the memory power because of its constituent select Brahmi, shankhapushpi Ashwagandha etc.

Is medha vati good for stress and anxiety?

In many patients, medha vati has helped to reduce stress and anxiety if taken for the long term under strict medical supervision.



This medicine is not a classical preparation this is a proprietary medicine produced by Patanjali Ayurveda Limited which is a gift to the patient who is suffering from psychiatric problems insomnia stress anxiety ended to improve intelligence and memory power extra

In our daily practice also this medicine is used for some patients and it is giving positive results in the long term

This medicine should only be taken under medical supervision if you want to take this medicine please consult your doctor


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