Ushirasava: Uses Benefits Complete detail & FAQ

Ushirasava is an Ayurvedic medicine That is mainly used in bleeding-related disorders, urinary tract infections, rectal bleeding, and Postpartum bleeding.

It is a liquid Ayurveda medicine that contains 5 to 9% natural self-generated alcohol. This alcohol and water act as a medium to Dissolve active herbal constituents which will help the body to absorb the contents of the medicinal herbs without any effort.

Ushirasava Uses

  • In bleeding disorder [RAKTHA PITTA]
  • Intestinal worms
  • Piles
  • Epistaxis [nasal bleeding]
  • Skin diseases
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Menorrhagia [abnormal heavy menstrual bleeding] 
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Metrorrhagia [abnormal uterine bleeding]
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Haematuria [blood in urine]
  • Haemorrhage [leakage of blood through blood vessels]
  • Anaemia
  • It works very well in treating urinary tract infections which is having symptoms like burning sensation and pain while passing urine

Ushirasava Benefits

  • It enhances the circulation of blood to the This medicine entire body 
  • This medicine can be used in diabetic patients and it has good results
  • It can act as antimicrobial and antibacterial medicine if there is any small amount of infection
  • It is very helpful in detoxifying liver

Ushirasava Ingredients

Ushirasava contents are

  • Dhataki
  • Manjishtha
  • Patha
  • Ushira
  • Lotus
  • Chirata
  • Netrabala

Ushirasava Dosage

  • ThisYou can take 12 to 24 ml of this medicine two times a day. It is generally suggested to take after the food, if needed you can add an equal quantity of water to it
  • This medicine should be consumed only under the suggestion of a certified Ayurveda doctor.

Time duration

You can consume this medicine from 1 month up to 4 months according to the disease that your doctor has diagnosed. Do not take this medicine for more than the required time duration. For more information take the opinion of your doctor

Interaction with allopathic medicines

  • Normally this medicine doesn’t work interact with allopathic medicines but you should always take this medicine under the supervision of an Ayurveda physician
  • You can also maintain a healthy 30-minute interval between two different systems of medicines 
  • More study are needed to prove its safety

Interaction with Health Supplements

  • Generally this medicine won’t interact with health supplements like multivitamins in Omega 3 fatty acids 
  • If more than one type of supplement is in your prescription you should take an opinion of your doctor
  • More study is needed to prove its safety

Interaction with Homoeopathic Medicines

No, adverse effects have been seen with homoeopathic medicines, Still more research is needed in this context

More research is needed to prove its safety

Benefits of Ushirasava as per Classical References

  • Pandu- Anaemia, early stages of liver disorder, low blood circulation to the body
  • Kushta- Skin diseases
  • Raktapitta-  Various bleeding disorders
  • Arsha-  Piles
  • Prameha-  Diabetes
  • Shota- Edema, Peripheral Edema
  • Krumi- Intestinal Worms

Other applied uses doctors using this for

  • Skin diseases with severe burning sensation
  • To reduce increased pitta
  • To excess heat of the body
  • Burning micturition

Ushirasava Side effects

Taking more than 50ml of it may cause 

  • irritation in the stomach
  • Menstruating for more than normal duration
  • Delayed periods

Reference of Ushirasava

  • Bhaishajya ratnavali Raktapitta rogadhikara 137-141


Store in a tightly closed Amber coloured bottle, in a cool place & away from Sunlight and moisture


  • Baidyanath Ushirasava
  • AVN
  • Dhootpapeshwar
  • Kerala ayurveda
  • Kottakkal



Is Ushirasava safe for Pregnant women?

During the pregnancy period don’t take this medicine, you can take this only when your doctor has prescribed this medicine for certain medical conditions.

Is Ushirasava safe for kids?

This medicine should be used above the age of 5 years if it is really required use only in very low doses As your doctor suggests.

Is Ushirasava safe during the Lactation period?

It can be taken only in very low doses under strict medical supervision.

What are the benefits of Ushirasava for the skin?

Ushirasava is a very good blood purifier. It improves the quality of blood and also filters out the toxins within the blood. It is useful in skin pigmentation, blisters, heat rashes & acne By improving blood circulation to the overall body and skin.

Which Ayurvedic tonic is best for the Liver?

Ushirasava is a very good holistic medicine that is very effective to treat all liver-related problems like cirrhosis and many more.

Which Ayurvedic medicine is best for fairness?

Ushirasava syrup is very good alternative medicine for fairness. It increases the blood flow to the skin, Which will provide necessary nutrients like vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. it also improves the Quality of blood by purifying and filtering the blood.

Can ayurvedic medicines have side effects?

 Yes, Ayurvedic medicines can have side effects if taken in high doses or without knowing the Deha Prakriti [body type]. If taken without a proper diagnosis from a certified Ayurvedic doctor may suffer side effects.

Can I take ushirasava for diabetes?

Ushirasava is one of the natural remedies for diabetes which can help you to decrease high blood sugar if taken properly.

What is the best natural remedy for nasal bleeding?

Usheerasava is one of the best natural remedies which can help with the problem of nasal bleeding.

Is ushirasava useful in anaemia?

Usirasava will help to stop internal bleeding, thus it will help to reduce the wastage of blood, Due to its cold property.

Is ushirasava helpful in menorrhagia?

Yes, it is very very beneficial in menorrhagia patients by reducing excessive abnormal bleeding during the menstrual period.

Does ushirasava reduce rectal bleeding?

It helps to reduce the increased Pitta and normalise the blood circulation in the area, minor infections in the area are also taken care of by the natural antibiotic properties of it.

Is ushirasava helpful in hematuria [blood in urine]?

It is extensively used by almost all Ayurveda doctors for hematuria patients because of Pitta Pacifying quality and balancing the blood circulation in the renal area.

Is ushirasava useful for skin diseases?

Yes, it is an extremely good Ayurvedic medicine for skin diseases, which will naturally filter out the toxins in the bloodstream and purify the blood. it will increase the quality and quantity of the blood naturally. Thus it will cure many skin diseases which are difficult to cure with allopathic medicine.

Is ushirasava helpful in intestinal worms?

In holistic Medicine Systems like Ayurveda, ushirasava has been traditionally used for krimi[intestinal worm] for centuries, Which has given desirable results.

Also read

Chandraprabha vati






Dr Bharath S G BAMS

As an Ayurveda doctor, We use Ushirasava frequently in daily practice, in bleeding disorders, skin diseases, female menstrual problems and increased heat and Pitta qualities of the body. This medicine is giving tremendous results for these medical conditions. 

 Please take this medicine only under the medical supervision of your doctor.

The information provided is not for practice or self-use of products, this is only for educational purposes. If you are not an Ayurveda practitioner please consult your Ayurveda practitioner before using any Ayurvedic or herbal products.

The above statements made are not verified by US FDA or any such authorities

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