Safed musli – Benefits, the best medicine for sexual problems, FAQ.

Safed musli is a herbal medicine used in Ayurveda for many centuries to treat erectile dysfunction and libido problems and also to boost the strength and stamina of the person.

  • This natural medicine is also used in Unani, homoeopathic and allopathic medicines.
  • It is called Divya because of its ability to cure vital problems of humans 
  • Safed means white, and musli means tubers that’s why it is also called as white gold


  • Scientific name – Asparagus adscendens
  • Family – Liliaceae
  • Chlorophytum borivilianum
  • Land caltrops
  • Safed musli
  • Shedheveli
  • Swetha musliDholi musliKhiruva
  • Jhirna
  • Tannir bittang
  • Bili musli

Safed Musli Benefits

Aphrodisiac Property

  • It has been always used by men to increase sexual stamina along with natural herbal medicines like a Kapikacchu, gokshura, kaunch beej, Ashwagandha, Shatavari Shilajit etc
  • It increases the sperm count by inducing spermatogenesis Which will boost the quality of sperm to conceive.
  • Its churna taken with milk will improve overall sexual performance

In Urinary Tract problems

  • It has sheeta veerya which means cold potency Which is helpful to reduce the burning sensation in patients who are having burning micturition[burning sensation while passing urine]
  • It is also useful in hematuria

In Sensory Problems like Deafness

  • Normally in ayurvedic practice, we use bilva taila for those who are having hearing problems
  • Along with the bilva taila, if Safed musli Churna and bakuchi are consumed along with honey it will give great results to increase the capacity of sensory organs and improve hearing capacity.

For Skin

  • A face pack made with it and honey applied every night for 2 weeks will increase the complexion of the person and also helps to nourish the skin.
  • Shwet musli route grinder with Aja ksheera[goat milk] Will help to decrease the freckles

In Diabetes

  • It has a strong hyperglycemic effect
  • It is beneficial in type 2 diabetes patients who are having significant tiredness all-day
  • It also helps diabetes patients who are having sexual weakness 

Safed Musli for Females

  • Asparagus adscendensIs is beneficial in women who are having problems with leucorrhea. as already we have mentioned that it is having cold potency and cold potential herbs can help in this condition.

Erectile Dysfunction

  • It has Spermatogenic properties
  • Increase sexual performance
  • Improves libido
  • Decreases anxiety during sexual intercourse
  • Boosts the male hormone testosterone
  • Helps to increase the size of the male primary sexual organ by increasing the blood circulation to a particular part of the body
  • It is used in the vajikarana procedure in the Ayurveda
  • In premature ejaculation 
  • It increases the strength and stamina of the person

Benefits in Stress management

  • It has plenty of antioxidants, it contains adaptogenic and anti-stress constituents which help to manage stress.
  • It has antioxidants That can help to remove free radicals in the body which cause stress
  • In Ayurveda stress can be considered as the imbalance of Vata dosha and this medicinal herb is known to balance the abnormal vata in the body.
  • For stress, you can take half a teaspoon of Safed musli Churna with one glass of milk two times a day after food

Safed Musli in arthritis

  • The benefits of this herb in arthritis haven’t been proven sufficiently
  • But it has some anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties which have been observed by Ayurvedic Practitioners like us

In Cancer

  • Many researchers are  undergoing to know if it has the property of healing cancer
  • Steroidal glycoside of Mostly may have anti-cancer qualities which can induce cell death

To increase immunity

  • This herb has many chemical components in it, which can help to improve the immunity of a person significantly
  • It can increase the energy levels of the body if taken regularly
  • People who are having weakness have increased their stamina after taking this
  • It can also help to increase the proper function of adrenal glands

Ayurvedic Properties of Safed musli

RASA [TASTE] –  Sweet Bitter

GUNA [Quality] – Heavy to digest, Slimy

VEERYA [Potency] – Cold

VIPAKA – Sweet

KARMA [Actions] – Kapha Vardhak, Vata-pitta shamaka

Chemical composition





Part used 




  • Churna – 3 – 6 gm powder
  • Capsule – 500 mg 2 capsules twice a day after food

This is just an overall suggestion for educational purposes. Before taking this medicine please take the opinion of your doctor.


Side effects

This medicine is generally safe for all people but if taken more than the suggested therapeutic doses it may cause some side effects so please take this medicine under medical supervision 

Interaction with Allopathic medicines

  • Generally, This herb won’t react with any allopathic medicines and also there have been no reported interactions.
  • Still, it is better to take an opinion from your doctor if you have any medical conditions
  • Also, we use a strategy of maintaining 30-minute intervals between two different systems of medicines to avoid any harmful effects

Interaction with Homoeopathic Medicines

Safed musli is considered as safe with homoeopathic medicines. You can also take an opinion from your doctor for more information.

Interaction with Health Supplements

  • Generally, it doesn’t interact with any help supplements like multivitamins Omega 3 fatty acids etc
  • If you are taking more than one health supplement at a time it is better to take a piece of advice from your doctor
  • You can maintain a 30-minute interval between it and the health supplements

For pregnant women

In pregnant women, it has shown no side effects, but it is a wise decision if you take it under medical supervision.

For lactating mothers

It is safe for lactating mothers

For kids 

It is safe for children about the age of 5 years, and it can be used in lower doses in kids below 5 years. You can take a doctor’s consultation for the betterment of your child.


Patanjali Safed musli [shwet musli]

Himalaya Safed musli [powder]

Dabur [musli pak]


  • Raha nighantu
  • Bhavaprakasha nighantu
  1. Research 1
  2. Research 2
  3. Research 3
  4. Research 4
  5. Research 5
  6. Research 6


How long does Safed musli take to work?

Safed musli is a natural medicine used in Ayurveda, it can give you all the benefits if you regularly consume it for 2 to 3 months. it is suggested to take it under the doctor’s opinion for more specific benefits

What is safed musli?

Safed musli is an Ayurvedic medicinal herb used in India for many centuries for health problems in a Holistic way.

How to take Safed musli?

Safed musli can be taken in many ways like in tablet form, such as Churna[POWDER], capsules, Laddoo etc.
You can take it with one glass of milk or Honey for different purposes mentioned in the Ayurveda scripture

What is Safed musli used for?

Safed musli is used for various diseases, some of which are, Sexual problems. weakness, Low immunity,  erectile dysfunction etc.

Is Safed musli a Viagra?

No Safed musli is not Viagra, it is a natural herbal medicine used to cure sexual problems. It also has natural aphrodisiac properties.

Can I take Ashwagandha and Safed musli together?

Yes, You can take both herbal medicines together without any problems, it will help you more if taken together.

Does Safed musli increase size?

It is a tricky question, it doesn’t increase the muscle mass which is already there. It can improve blood circulation to the genital area which will indirectly increase the length and girth of the specific organ which improves the overall size during the act.

Is Safed musli good for erectile function?

Yes, it is very good medicine for Electrical dysfunction, along with this you can use Ashwagandha, gokshura, kapikachhu also.

What are the side effects of Safed musli?

It doesn’t have any side effects or has not been reported yet. It is considered safe Ayurvedic medicine for weakness and rejuvenation.

Is shwet musli good for the liver?

Safed musli has Guru properties[heavy to digest]. So it is considered that this herb is hard to digest which directly puts pressure on the liver. when we generally consider it won’t do a bad thing for the liver.

What are the benefits of Shilajit and Safed musli?

Both combined will form a mineral and herbal ayurvedic natural remedy, It can boost your sexual health. That’s why it is used as one of the best sexual natural remedies.

Is safed musli good for bodybuilding?

Yes, people who are going to the gym and want to build muscles can consume Safed musli along with Ashwagandha, this combination can help you to get good muscle mass. For some people, we suggest taking Shilajit for 1 month and vice-versa 

Is Safed musli hot or cold?

It is a cold-potency Ayurvedic medicinal herb.

Is Safed musli good for the heart?

Yes, Safed musli is good for the heart, it helps to provide nourishment to the heart and make it healthy.

Is Safed musli good for kidneys?

Yes, it is good medicine for burning micturition and hematuria Which is related to the kidney.

Does Safed musli increase blood pressure?

No Safed musli helps to balance the increased water, which can directly help to maintain good blood pressure.

Does Safed musli cause hair loss?

No, it won’t cause hair loss. We have seen many patients who have taken Safed musli and also many patients are taking it at the present but no one reported this. Some patients may have some other internal pathological conditions which cause hair loss but Safed musli is not directly responsible for it.

What are the health benefits of Safed musli for women?

It acts the same as for men, in women who are suffering from infertility it helps to balance the hormone levels which directly helps to give positive results.

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