Ayurveda: A Hope For Kidney Patients

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects more than 7.8 million persons in India. Because of a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle, renal problems are becoming more common. A person’s health and finances are negatively impacted by having kidney disease when they seek out traditional therapies like dialysis and renal transplants to manage the condition. While liver transplants are not always successful because the patient’s body may reject the organ, dialysis carries the danger of infection. 

Here, Ayurveda may prove to be a miracle cure for renal failure or even CKD. Traditional Indian medicine has few side effects, is cost-effective, and natural cures the kidneys and body as a whole.

Complications with dialysis and transplantation

Dialysis and kidney transplants are the two treatments for end-stage renal disease that people most frequently seek. These techniques do, however, have some drawbacks. Dialysis increases the possibility of catching blood-borne infections. Not to mention the exhausting and never-ending procedure of attending the sessions. The same complications apply to transplanting. Finding a matched donor is difficult, to begin with. The procedure carries a number of dangers, including the chance of infection, the possibility that the body would reject the transplant, the expense, and long-term reliance on immunosuppressants, which also have negative effects. The list goes on and on.

Ayurveda: The All-natural method for kidney recovery

The minimal negative effects of Ayurveda make it the greatest option for treating kidney disorders. This does not imply, nevertheless, that someone with a health problem can use self-medication. Ayurveda can assist in recovering kidney function in a number of ways, including:

Kidney detoxification is how Ayurveda works.

To cleanse the kidneys and thereby improve their performance, Ayurveda uses a variety of helpful medicines. While some medications operate by restoring the nephrons, the kidneys’ microscopic filtering units, other medications function by lowering uric acid and keeping electrolyte levels at their ideal ranges, which lessens the risk of kidney damage over time by changing renal histology. Based on the patient’s medical records, a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner can provide the medication that is most appropriate for someone with renal issues.

Blood pressure and blood sugar levels can be maintained using Ayurveda.

Ayurveda believes on treating the cause of the issue rather than merely the symptoms, therefore in addition to affecting the kidneys, its medicines also regulate blood sugar and blood pressure levels. To keep the kidneys healthy, it’s critical to monitor blood pressure and sugar levels. Kidney disease affects one out of every three individuals with diabetes. Renal failure also has hypertension as one of its leading causes. Ayurveda assists in the management of diabetes and hypertension by utilising Ashwagandha, amla, and other substances.

Ayurveda provides a comprehensive strategy.

The body can be healed naturally and quietly by adhering to a rigorous diet plan and using therapies like acupuncture, yoga, and meditation that are recommended by your Ayurvedic doctor. Such a therapy plan has been successful in restoring kidney function in many situations, allowing patients to quit receiving dialysis altogether or extend the time between treatments in order to help them maintain healthy lives.



As people continue to lead sedentary lives, kidney problems are on the rise. While allopathic treatments may be able to provide patients with chronic renal problems with short-term relief, they may have drawbacks. Ayurveda has treatments that can restore renal function and have the added benefit of having few adverse effects. Although ayurvedic medications may take some time to manifest, they promote overall renal repair.

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