Gokshuradi guggulu uses, completed review and FAQ

Gokshuradi guggulu is an Ayurvedic medicine Available in the form of tablets/pills. Prepared by using Gokshura and Guggulu as main ingredients along with other herbal medicines. It is used in genital and urinary tract diseases and works very well in gout.

Traditionally in Ayurveda, it is used to balance the Pitta and vata and to balance all three doshas. It eliminates toxins from the body through the urinary system.

It helps to tone the kidney, rejuvenate it, and Revitalise the Kidneys.

It helps to rejuvenate the reproductive organs and maintain the good health of both male and female reproductive organs.

Guggulu is a gum-like resin used as a base.

Gokshuradi Guggulu Uses

For urinary tract stones –

  • Stones formed in the Kidney May obstruct the urinary tract
  • The stones in the urinary tract may cause pain in the lower region of the stomach 
  • Blood in the urine
  • Pain while urinating
  • In recent studies, it was found that gokshuradi guggulu helps the expulsion of kidney stones through urine
  •  the studies revealed that it can help to reduce the pain in the lower part of the stomach due to stones and pain while eating

For Gout

In ancient Ayurvedic scriptures, a disease called Rakhta is mentioned that disease can be correlated with the gout of today.

An increase in the Uric acid in the blood results in the formation of crystals which get deposited in the joints and cause gout

 in this case, gokshura has shown positive results by acting as an anti-inflammatory drug for gout

For diabetes patients

In diabetes patients, we can see a special case that affects the kidney is called diabetic nephropathy.

In Diabetic nephropathy, altho sugar levels are not in very high levels the kidney may get damaged due to various factors

It may cause very slowly and  takes a long time to affect the kidney

It may become very severe that it can cause death also

Gokshuradi guggulu has shown positive effects in Diabetic nephropathy by increasing the blood flow to the kidney to maintain the health of the kidney cells

It provides nourishment to the kidney which is a main problem in diabetes patient

For female

In gynaecological problems like menorrhagia and stomach pain, it is helpful

Gokshuradi guggulu for Prostate

  • Gokshuradi guggulu has anti-inflammatory properties which can help to reduce the information in prostate
  • Scientific research studies it has shown that gokshuradi guggulu Along with the Shuddha Shilajit and dashamula has shown significant promise to treat prostate problems
  • In the studies, it also helped the easy flow of urine and decrease the size of the prostate

Gokshuradi guggulu For Liver

Gokshuradi guggulu can help to rejuvenate the liver

In the fatty liver, it may help to increase blood circulation to deliver

Research studies conducted on gokshuradi guggulu effects on the liver shown that it doesn’t have any oral toxicity to the patients


Doctors use gokshuradi Gokshuradi guggulu in these conditions

  • To break down the stones present in the urinary tract
  • It is helpful for effectively maintaining normal uric acid levels in the body
  • Helpful to maintain the normal flow of urine
  • Beneficial to avoid the formation of kidney stones
  • It is helpful for children who are having bed waiting for the problem
  • Cure the white discharge problems in female
  • Menorrhagia
  • Used in urinary tract infections
  • In the patients who are having a burning sensation during urination
  • Used in both males and females to strengthen the reproductive system
  • Used in enlarged prostate problems
  • It can improve the quality and quantity of sperm
  • In the high blood pressure
  • To treat osteoarthritis


Gokshuradi guggulu uses according to Ayurveda


Gokshuradi guggulu ingredients:


Guggulu preparations are normally in tablet/pills form

  • 1 to 2 tablets two or three times a day before or after the food
  • That was the age given by the doctor as per the condition of depression, strength season and the place[cold/hot] where they are living.
  • This tablet can be taken along with Varunadi kashayam or simply plain water 

Interaction With allopathic medicines

  • Generally, it doesn’t interact with allopathic medicines
  • Don’t take this medicine and your own, please take an opinion from your doctor
  • If you are taking Both medicines you can maintain an interval of 30 minutes between the different systems of medicine

Interaction with homoeopathic medicine 

It doesn’t have any interactions with homoeopathic medicine

Interaction with the health supplements

Gokshuradhi gugglu doesn’t interact with health supplements like multivitamins or Omega 3 fatty acids or any other.

If you are taking more than one health supplement at a time please consult a doctor for more information

Side effects of Gokshuradi guggulu

  • This medicine has not shown any side effects in the patient that we have seen.
  • Consuming more than the prescribed medicine in a high dose may cause stomach irritation
  • This medicine should be taken under strict medical supervision

In pregnant women, Lactating mothers and kids 

In these special cases, self-medication is very harmful and not recommended

Please go through an examination and get diagnosed to consume the medicine if the doctor prescribes it

Research & References

Ayurveda reference

Sharangadhara samhita madhyama khanda 7/ 84-87


  1. The Research article by PubMed
  2. Urolithiasis Research article by IJAPR
  3. The benign prostatic hyperplasia Research article by IJAPR


  • Patanjali [Divya]
  • Baidyanath
  • Dabur
  • Zandu
  • Dhootpapeshwar


How to take gokshuradi guggulu?

You can take these tablets/pills 1 to 2 tablets 2 or 3 times a day with water or varunadi kashaya

What is gokshuradi guggulu used for?

It is used to treat urinary tract infections, kidney stones, male and female reproductive organs, and gynaecological health issues.

What is the difference between Gokshura and Gokshuradi guggulu?

Gokshura is a single medicinal herb, gokshuradI guggulu is a formulation prepared by using various ayurvedic medicines along with Gokshura and Guggulu as main contents.

Is gokshuradi guggulu used for uric acid?

Yes, it is used to treat urinary tract infections, and kidneys, and to reduce uric acid.

Can we take gokshura daily?

If you have a doctor’s prescription, you can take the gokshura daily.

How long does it take Gokshura guggulu to work?

It takes at least one month for better results. You can take this medicine for 3 months under strict medical supervision.

Is gokshura good for the prostate?

Some research studies have shown that gokshura may help to reduce the inflammation in the prostate and allow the urine to pass easily through the urethra.

Is gokshura a Viagra?

No, it is a natural medicine that is a herb in the Ayurvedic medicine system. It can help to increase sperm quality in males, also beneficial to both men and women for the health of reproductive organs.

What is the best time to take gokshuradi guggulu?

You can take this medicine in the morning and evening before or after the food as directed by the doctor.

Does gokshuradi guggulu have side effects?

No, only if you take this medicine in more than the prescribed dosage it can irritate the stomach.

Which is the best medicine, Ashwagandha or Gokshura?

Both are different Herbs and have different qualities, both of them have their own purposes to serve in the body.

For stress anxiety insomnia Sexual problems Ashwagandha is the best.
For kidney stones, urinary tract infections gynaecological problems gokshura is better.


If you are willing to consume gokshuradi guggulu this medicine is beneficial for those who are having kidney stones, urinary tract infections, gynaecological problems, problems in the reproductive organs, diabetic nephropathy patients gout and many other diseases. The qualified doctor will decide if it is beneficial to you or not so

This medicine should be taken only with the prescription of a doctor self-medication is not recommended.

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