Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects Full Details & Review.

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati is an Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation that is used for the treatment of Liver disorders, jaundice etc. This medicine is a good natural medicine that can help to improve liver function. In this article we will provide complete details of Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati uses, benefits, dosage, ingredients Side Effects, precautions to take and our review.

Are you suffering from a liver disorder? Do you have jaundice? Are you suffering from any kind of digestive problems for a long time? Do you want to protect your liver from any damage? then read this article completely to know more about this medicine and get all the benefits.

We have used this medicine with many people who had the above-mentioned problems and have gotten positive results when consumed under medical supervision. Here we will share our experience and feedback we have got from our patients as a review for your convenience so that you can decide whether to consume this medicine or not.

What is Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati?

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati is an Ayurvedic medicine that has been used for many centuries for the treatment of liver-related health problems. It is prepared by using some potent herbal ingredients like Amalaki, Vibhitaki, Haritaki, Chirayata, Guduchi etc. It is available in the form of pills.

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Uses

  • Hepatitis
  • Jaundice
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Non-alcoholic Liver disorders
  • Alcoholic Liver disorders
  • Fatty liver
  • Diabetes
  • All kinds of skin disorders
  • Hepatoprotective function
  • Digestive disorders

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Benefits

Anti-inflammatory properties

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce any inflammations present in the body.
  • It helps to reduce inflammation, particularly in the liver.


  • It has a large number of antioxidants in it.
  • It helps to remove any free radicals present in the blood and liver which may damage the bodily tissues.
  • It may help the proper functioning of all the organs of the body by eliminating toxins that may be present in particular organ tissues.

Hepatoprotective property

  • It may help to prevent any infections which may occur in the liver.
  • It helps the liver to avoid a surge of toxins and free radicals in the liver tissue. 
  • It helps to remove the already deposited fat in the liver and avoids the deposition of unwanted cholesterols, wastes and fats in the liver.
  • It helps to improve the health of the liver by increasing the supply of proper nutrition to the liver.


  • It helps to manage the production of insulin in the cells of the pancreas.
  • It helps to manage and balance hormones that can control the glucose index of the body.


  • It helps to improve the appetite.
  • It helps to improve digestive capacity.
  • It may help to improve digestion and the efficient absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract.


  • It helps to reduce the symptoms of Jaundice.
  • It helps to reduce body wasting in jaundice patients.
  • It may help to increase the appetite and digestive capacity of Jaundice patients.

Skin problems

  • It helps to cure many kinds of skin disorders.
  • It has to improve blood circulation and the proper supply of nutrition to the skin.
  • It may help to treat any kind of skin infection present for a long time.

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Ingredients

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Dosage

It is a herbal ayurvedic formulation, it is available in the form of a tablet.

  • Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati can be consumed in a dosage of two tablets two or three times a day before or after the food or as directed by the doctor.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, contact an Ayurvedic doctor for more information about Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati.

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Side Effects

  • There are noun side effects of Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati.
  • More studies are required to prove its safety and efficacy.
  • Generally, it doesn’t cause any side effects if taken in a proper suggested dosage.
  • If consumed more than the suggested dose it may cause Side Effects like pain in the stomach, discomfort in the stomach, gastritis nausea and vomiting.
  • Self-medication is not recommended, reach a Health Care provider for more information about this product.

In Pregnant Women

  • It doesn’t cause any harmful effects if taken in a suggested dosage.
  • It is not recommended to consume this medicine without a doctor’s suggestions for pregnant women, contact an ayurvedic obstetrics specialist for more information.

In Lactating Mothers

  • It may not cause any harmful effects in lactating mothers if taken in a suggested dose.
  • We don’t recommend consuming this medicine without a doctor’s suggestion for lactating mothers, reach an ayurvedic obstetrics specialist for more information and safety.

In Kids

Generally, this medicine is not used for the treatment of kids.

Interaction with Western medicines

  • Generally, Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati doesn’t interact with Western medicines.
  • If you are prescribed both Western medicines and Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati you can maintain an interval of 30 minutes between them.
  • Self-medication should be avoided, contact an Ayurvedic doctor for any suggestions.

Interaction with Homoeopathic medicines

  • Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Doesn’t interact with Homoeopathic medicines.
  • More research is needed to prove its safety to consume both of them at the same time.

Interaction with Health Supplements

  • Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Doesn’t interact with health supplements like multivitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids, mineral supplements etc.
  • If you are prescribed both and you want to consume both of them you can maintain a gap of 30 minutes to avoid any interactions.


Research and References

  • An article on Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati efficacy in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by
  • An article on Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati in the management of Hepatitis-B by
  • Comparative study of Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati and Navayasa lauha vati in the management of anaemia in pregnant women by


What is the use of Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati?

It can be used for the treatment of liver disorders, jaundice, non-alcoholic fatty liver, proper liver functioning, digestion problems, skin problems, Hepatitis B and Diabetes.

How to take Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati?

It is available in the form of pills, it can be consumed orally with water at a dose suggested by the doctor depending on the strength of the body weight and different other factors.

How long should I consume Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati?

You can consume this medicine for up to 3 months for better results under medical supervision.

What are the ingredients of Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati?

Amalaki [Emblica officinali]
Bibhitaki [Terminalia bellerica]
Haritaki [Terminalia chebula]
Chirayata [Andrographis paniculata]
Kutki [Picrorhiza kurroa]
Vasa [Adhatoda vasica]
Guduchi [Termibnalia chebula]
Neem [Azadirachta indica]

What are the side effects of Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati?

Generally, it doesn’t cause any side effects if consumed at a suggested dose. If consumed more than the suggested dose it may cause pain in the stomach, discomfort in the stomach, gastritis, nausea and vomiting.

Also Read about other Liver protective Ayurvedic medicines

Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati Review

This medicine has been used for many centuries by many Ayurvedic doctors for the treatment of Liver disorders. We have used this medicine in many patients and have gotten desired results. Here we will share our experience and feedback that we have got from our patients.

  • It has helped many people who had jaundice, generally, Western medicines don’t help to cure jaundice. This medicine, when taken for 3 months, helped to reduce all the symptoms and in the lab report also we have seen great results.
  • It has helped to reduce the infection and symptoms present in Hepatitis B.
  • It is also beneficial for diabetes patients for maintaining a healthy balance of digestion and hormones.
  • We have seen good results when we used this medicine in many people who had skin problems for a long time.

The above-mentioned results are possible only when taking this medicine under medical supervision by getting a diagnosis and proper Prescription which contains a few Ayurvedic medicines that can cure a particular health problem. This medicine alone cannot give the result that you are expecting, consuming this with medicine with other Ayurvedic medicines may help to get better results.

This article is only for educational purposes, we don’t recommend self-medication and self-diagnosis. Contact a professional Ayurvedic doctor for more information about Phalatrikadi Ghan Vati.

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